As a new indie game developer, I'm always looking to learn and improve my skills. But don't let my humble beginnings fool you - I've also got a background in coding and 3D modeling, and I've always been an avid gamer.

Age 43, Male

Joined on 12/31/22

Exp Points:
10 / 20
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> 100,000
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1.50 votes
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> 100,000
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I've heard that this is a great place to get feedback on my new game.

I've also been told to toughen up just incase people are brutally honest.

I've been coding since Sept this year but I've dabbled with some 3D modelling tools and level design when I was a teenager, I'm 41 now so a long time ago, I did some work with the Half Life 2 IDK but never released anything.

I chose what I thought was an easy idea to make something like Star Fox using some of the ideas from endless runner games, it turned out to be quite challenging and took me alot longer than I thought it would but I learned so much while making the game that it was all worth it.

Here is the game.

All the models are mine, there are some mirroring issues on them which I've since learned not to do, so in the future I may switch them out with better models and all the coding is mine via learning and using tutorials.

Sounds and music from freesounds.org.

If you play the game please feel free to be honest and give what ever feedback you deam relevant.

Recent Game Medals

80 Points

Phone Gamer 5 Points

Try the game out on a phone

Stupid door 5 Points

How to open them

x15 perfect combo 10 Points

Get a perfect combo of at least 15 notes

x30 perfect combo 50 Points

Get a perfect combo of at least 30 notes

x3 perfect combo 10 Points

get three perfect notes in a row